domingo, 19 de agosto de 2007

the drought

The droughts have flogged to all the continents and have been present along the history of the humanity. many of these phenomena happen as result of climatic changes of the nature, the majority of they are associated possibly to the action of the people. drought is a period of dry in a geographic area where the rainfall is not normally present. during a drought there is a lack of precipitation. Droughts occur in all climatic zones. however, its characteristics change significantly from one region to another, the drought usually interferes seriuosly with human activity.

The causes of the drought could be caused by the traffic of the air in the oceans or by the human intervention . the dams and the systems of irrigation can be alter the natural flow of rivers and lakes, provoking that the water steams that rises to the air are insufficient to form clouds of rain. other factors that can contribute to the drought are the high temperatures, the low dampness and the strong winds.

Some consequences during a drought are that, the vegetation dies and the crops are spoilt affecting, in every case, the animals and human. still when the rain finally comes the soil can have damages by the excess of mineral or for the lack of nutrients and, consequently, it does that the crops are ruined. the erotion of the soil also generates problems and it is important that the areas inclined to the drought have good systems of irrigation. the severe droughts can provoke a general famine and to cause the death to thousands or even to million persons. the sandstorms and fires of bushes are other kind of dangers that happen in times of drought. in the middle of 1980 about 1 million persons died in Ethiopia due to the famine provoked by the drought.

The actions that could be realized to avoid the droughts, the urgent need is to teach to the population on the importance of look after our forests, of use technologies appropiate in the irrigation of the agriculture and of educating the new generations for they correct many of the mistakes committed by us and our forbears, principally for lack of information, and this way to avoid the droughts. We can establish our plan of prevention of droughts, where programs of conservation are included orientated to protecting the forests and the hydrographic basins located in them.

lunes, 11 de junio de 2007

The retreat by Henry Vaughan

The retreat by Henry Vaughan

1. Who’s the speaker and who's speaking to?
The speaker in the poem is the poet, is himself who told about his live

2. Type of vocabulary (loving, violent, angry, etc)

maybe he is a little regret or guilty the vocabulary is sad and

3. Alliterations, metaphors, comparisons, assonances, personifications (that is to say any literary figure you find in it)
Personification in “before I taught my tongue to wound, my conscience with a sinful sound”
Metaphor in “But felt through all this fleshly dress”

4. what's the poem about? (love, hate, faith, life, death)

I think that the poem is about the life of a old man where he remember all the thing that he had done and he feels a little bad because he wants to come back to the past to do something that he couldn’t do, and he feels guilty about the bad thing that he did.

5. Your opinion about the poem

My opinion is that is a sad poem where a man doesn’t feel good for himself life. And I think that everybody thinking (in my case) about all the bad thing that we did and reconsider if I or we are doing bad or good thing for ourselves or the rest of the people.

miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2007

king lear

Edmud took to king lear and cordelia as his prisioners, then appear Albany, Goneril and Regan. Albany demands that edmund and goneril be put in prision for treason leater enter edgar accuse to Edmund for treason and fight between them. Albany read a letter given by Edgar, Edmund admits his villainy and Edgar told them his identity and recounts the recent events with his father.
A guy appear telling that goneril had killed herself and had killed to her sister and kent come in in the scene that wanted to say good bye to the king appear the king again with his dead daughter in his arms later enter another guy telling that edmund had dead and the king die too and Albany said that they could govern a place of the kingdom.

King lear: king of Britain
Codelia: lear’s daughter
Edmund: Earl of Gloucester
Edgar: edmund’s brother
Albany: duke of albany
Gorenil: albany’ wife and daughter of king lear
Regan: lear’s daughter

martes, 22 de mayo de 2007

my first creation?

well, I followed the steps and here is my blog, it is just a test version but the original version. jaja see you.